Friday, August 19, 2011

ICET Admission Notifications 2011 for M.C.A and M.B.A

Andhra pradesh government called for notification for getting into M.B.A and M.C.A for the people who completed graduation or about to complete for the year 2011.Here is the details of the notifications.

The certified candidates of lCET-2zero11 are informed to attend certificates verification in any one of the Help Line Facilities (HLCs) as per the schedule given under. The listing of Help Line centres, the distribution of Ranks for every Help Line Centre for Certificates Verification and all other details are placed in the detailed Notification at and candidates are knowledgeable to visit this website before they begin for Certificates Verification.


All unique certificates like Diploma Marks Memos and Pass Certificates, Intermediate Marks Memo, S.S.C or its equal Marks memo, IX to Degree Examine Certificate, Revenue Certificate issued after 06.16.20011 and Caste Certificate issued by competent authority.
Certificates to be produced by PH/CAP/NCC/Sports/Minority Candidates: PH-Certificates issued by the District Medical Board. Candidates with [[13]]zero% and above disability are solely eligible. CAP- Certificate issued by Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer (In case of Ex-Service males) Identity card and Service Discharge e-book for verification. Candidates whose parents are native of A.P. are only eligible to be thought-about beneath "CAP" Category. NCC & Sports- To provide Original Certificates issued by competent authorities. Minorities: SSC 'TC' containing Minority Standing or Certificates from the Head Master. Anglo-Indian: A Certificate issued by Competent Authority of their place of Residence.

Price to be Paid: (At the Time of Certificate Verification):

1. Processing Fee: Rs.600/- (OC/BC), Rs.300/-(SC/ST). 2. Tuition fee to be paid (After Allotment): University: MBA-Rs. 10,000/-, MCA- Rs. 12,500/- , Private & Self Financed (MBA & MCA)-Rs.27000/- per annum. "As per the Govt. Memo.No. 6905-C/SW.Edn-2/2010-3, dated 12.08.2011 of Social Welfare Department, "The Students belonging to SC/ST/BC/EBC/DW/MW categories will be considered for Reimbursement of Tuition Fee (RTF) subject to Verification and Eligibility as per the orders of the Government (Whose parental income is up to 1 lakh per annum).


1) Allotments will be placed In Website on 30.08.2011 after 06.00 PM. 2) Enter the ICR Form Number (Registration Number), Hall Ticket number, Password and date of birth in Candidate Login. 3) Download the allotment order and read the instructions printed and also download challan form for payment of fee. 4) Pay the fees if any, in any Branch of Andhra Bank/Indian Bank. 5) Report to the allotted college on the date mentioned in the allotment order, 6) Failure to report in the allotted college by the date stipulated will automatically result in cancellation of seat and candidate has no claim on the seat allotted.


Government Polytechnic, Srikakulam". M.R.A.G.R. GovT.PoytechrTc Vizanagaram", GovtPolytechnic Vtzag"*. GICT, Vzag, Govt. Poytechnc, Narspatnam, (Vzag Dr.), Andhra Polytechnic Kakinada", Govt. Poytechr c for Women, Kakinada, GMR Polytechnic, Bommuru, Rajahmundiy, SMVM Polytecnnc, Tanuku *, Seetha Polytechnic Bhimavaram, Govt. Polytechnic Vijayawada", Andnra Loyola Col ege, Vijayawada, VIBTS Govt. Polytechnic, Na lapadu, Guntu', Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Gujjanagula, GuntLi'", DA Govt. Polytechnic D^gc e", Govt. Poytechr c for Women, Datgamitta, Nellore", Govt. Polytechnic for Boys, Nelore, SV Govt PolytechnicTi-uoatM", Govt. Poytechnic for Women, Kadapa**, Govt. Polytechnic, Anantapur**, Sri G-Pulla-eddy Govt. Polytec-inic, Kurnoot", ESC Govt. Polytechnic, Nandya, Ku-nool Dt., Govt. Poytechnic Mahabubnagar", Govt. Poytechnc, Nalgonoa". Govt. Polytechnic, Ruorampu', Kothagudem", (Khammam Dt), SR 6 BGNR Govt. Degree College, Knammam., Govt Polytechnic Wa-angal**, Kakatya University, Warangal, Govt. Poytechnc, Bellampally", (Adilabad Dist), Govt. Polytechnic, Nzamabad", Govt. Poytechnic For Women, Medak", GMR Govt. Poytechnc 'or Women.

Instructions for the candidates

Each Candidate attending for Certificates Verification at Assist-line Centre is requested to observe the levels as indicated below:

Stage-1: Candidate Registration for Certificate verification:

  1. Anticipate the announcement from authorities of Help Line Centres for Registration.
  2. After announcement, hand over the rank card to officer at entrance.
  3. Wait in your flip in the registration hall.
  4. When your rank is named pay processing fee and obtain receipt.
  5. Collect the Registration-Cum-Verification type from laptop operator at Registration counter.
  6. Enter details i.e. hall ticket quantity, rank etc. within the Register and append your signature.
  7. Your registration is completed. Return and wait within the registration corridor for announcement.
  8. After announcement by the officer at Registration counter, report at Verification counter for certificates verification.

STAGE 2: Verification of Certificates:

  1. Verify the small print printed on Registration-Cum-Verification kind for local area, intercourse, class, date of delivery etc. for correctness.
  2. If there may be any mistake, report back to verification officer for correction.
  3. In case you belong to SC/ST/BC Class, report to Caste Verification officer and submit the unique Caste Certificates for verification and clearance. After Caste verification report back to one of the Certificate verification officers.
  4. Should you belong to Open Competition (OC) Class, straight report to Certificates verification officer.
  5. The Officers will confirm all the original certificates like Rank Card, Corridor ticket, Marks memo, Study certificates, earnings certificates and many others given by you.
  6. A Print out of Receipt of certificates can be given to you and when you discover any discrepancy, report to the Chief Verification Officer for correction. Append your signature after verifying the data.
STAGE 3: Directions for Exercising Choices:

  1. Exercising options means it's important to select school and courses you wish to be a part of and prepare them within the order of priority.
  2. Acquire Checklist /E book containing MBA/MCA schools (Newest modifications, if any, shall be downloaded from the web site ), courses and their codes, Guide option form and retain with you.
  3. The Officer in Briefing Corridor will explain the procedure of exercising options and filling of Guide option form.

STAGE 4: Preparatory work to be made by you at house for exercising choices:

Go through the Faculty profile, availability of programs, period of the course, prospects (job/academic alternatives) after finding out a particular course. Focus on and decide in your on a selected course, distance from your place, availability of hostel, your loved ones background, financial ability to move away out of your place. Arrive at an inventory of as many numbers of doable options on a paper.
Also seek the advice of your parents / buddies on the choice of courses and Colleges you want to join.

Take the Manual possibility form fill within the district code, School code and course code you want to be a part of within the order of choice in opposition to the choice number.

Allotment of seats will be completed primarily based on Rank, Local Space, Gender, reservation category etc., within the order of desire you may have chosen.

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