Wednesday, August 24, 2011

DTRL and DRDO Walk In Interview for Junior Research Fellows

After attaining the status of a full-fledged laboratory , DTRL is actively engaged in terrain evaluation studies for assembly numerous needs of our armed forces. The imaginative and prescient of the lab is to become a technological leader in producing excessive resolution terrain intelligence products for De fence Applications. In this endeavor, DTRL is working for improvement of reliable techniques for characteristic terrain by employing trendy techniques and methods to take advantage of the satellite data sources for varied applications.

In our ongoing efforts relating this, DTRL invitations applications for the following vacancies of Junior Research Fellows (JRF):

Eligible candidates could register by forwarding duly accomplished application kind as per Annexure -II (accessible at our website to on or earlier than 06.09.2011. The registered candidates can appear for a walk-in-interview at 0930 hrs on 15.09.2011 at DTRL, Metcalfe House, Delhi – 110054. Traveling Allowances (TA) will NOT be admissible for the interview.

What is DRDO ?

Defense Research & Improvement Organization (DRDO) works underneath Division of Defense Research and Growth of Ministry of Defense. DRDO dedicatedly working in direction of enhancing self-reliance in Defense Programs and undertakes design & improvement resulting in production of world class weapon techniques and gear in accordance with the expressed needs and the qualitative requirements laid down by the three services.

DRDO is working in numerous areas of navy technology which embody aeronautics, armaments, fight vehicles, electronics, instrumentation engineering programs, missiles, supplies, naval systems, advanced computing, simulation and life sciences. DRDO while striving to fulfill the Leading edge weapons technology gives ample spinoff benefits to the society at giant thereby contributing to the nation building.

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